Monday, September 29, 2008

What is the New World Order? Part 1- Introduction

This topic has undoubtedly been covered on many blogs before, and most definitely all over the internet for many years. However, there may be much confusion for many who are new to the idea of the New World Order(NWO), as to what it is and why it is the subject of so many conspiracy theories. But that is exactly what the NWO is, an idea, a word simply used to identify the conspirators and the conspiracy behind it. To many, this idea is crazy, delusional, or just plain impossible. But is it really that hard to conceive that the most powerful people in the world; industrial titans, heads of state, royalty, the military industrial complex, and intellectuals are plotting to take control of the world?

Conspiracy is a fact of history, ever hear of the Business Plot? History is rife with conspiracies, from the plot to kill Caesar to the burning of the Reichstag. The most important conspiracy ever devised is unfolding today right in front of our eyes; only you won't hear about it on the network news, save for a few brave souls like Lou Dobbs. The increased globalization, the intentional opening of our borders, the selling of our country piecemeal, and the intentional devaluing of our dollar can only lead in one direction. The creation of the North American superstate, the North American Union, To go along with the European Union, Asian Union, and African Union respectively.

With the current economic crisis, that will surely get worse, we see the Republicrats and the media trying to shove this bailout scam down our throats through fear of an even worse crisis which is going to come along anyway as long as we continue on our current economically and politically wreckless path. This bill was killed in Congress today, simply to save political face before election time. What you have to understand is that there is no fundamental difference between the Democrats and the Republicans, hence the term Republicrats. Also you need to know that our elite controlled media is involved in this ploy, by withholding valuable information crucial to making informed decisions, or just outright misdirection and misrepresentation of facts. The media is the key in keeping this shell game going long enough for the powers that be to make their final plays in this global chess game for total and complete control of the world. This world will be without nations, without borders and will be ruled by a facist/socialist government.

To understand what I have just stated as a facist/socialist government, you need to think of the political spetrum, not in a sense of far right(facism) and far left(socialism/communism), as I have said, that is the false concept(partisan politics) we use today. Think of it in terms as the right being complete liberty, and the left being any form of totalitarian government. This political spectrum reads as follows;

Far Left Wing(totalitarian/facist/Communist)-->Left Wing(Oligarchy, rule of the elite)-->Center(Democracy, majority rule)--> Right Wing(Representative Democracy, Rule of the People/law, Liberty)--> Far Right(Rule of none/Rule of ones Self, Anarchy)

Now that some basics have been layed out for you, I will close this post out with a few quotes that will lead into my next piece about the major players in this conspiracy. This information takes time to disseminate and to put into terms that will make it easier for the reader to keep an open mind, which is most important when dealing with conspiracy theory and conspiracy itself. Also please check the links that are embedded throughout this post, as they provide historical context to the rest of the information I am providing. Getting through this is time consuming, but is of utmost importance when trying to gain understanding of the modern and near future world.

"The Council on Foreign Relations --dedicated to one world government, financed by a number of the largest tax-exempt foundations, and wielding such power and influence over our lives in the areas of finance, business, labor, military, education, and mass communication media-should be familiar to every American concerned with good government and with preserving and defending the U.S. constitution and our free-enterprise system."--Congressman John R. Rarick

"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent." -James Paul Warburg while speaking before the United States Senate, February 17, 1950

"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the Field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." -- Woodrow Wilson , The New Freedom(1913)

A Book Review: The Revolution by Dr. Ron Paul

After reading this book thoroughly twice through, the ideas and values described in it have become much larger than the man who put pen to paper. It is a short read(167 Pages) that has excellent flow. The first time I read this piece, it only took me about two and a half hours straight. And every minute of that time was enjoyed.

Speaking on such subjects as; The False choices of American Politics, Economic Freedom, The Constitution, Monetary Policy, and Civil Liberties, Dr. Paul really hammers home his views that government should pretty much stay out of all of these issues, save for those provided for it in the Constitution. A value many embrace, as well as detest. Dr. Paul has his convictions, and he sticks to them, no matter what or who(usually Ben Bernanke) are in his way, something no one can argue.

I would really like to share a few paragraphs that really made me stop and think, not to mention make my heart skip a beat because of the content of those opening paragraphs in the preface.

"Every election cycle we are treated to candidates who promise us "change," and 2008 has been no different. But in the American political lexicon, "change" always means more of the same: more government, more looting of Americans, more inflation, more police-state measures, more unnecessary war, and more centralization of power.
Real change would mean something like the opposite of those things. It might even involve following our Constitution. And that's the one option Americans are never permitted to hear."

What he is basically saying is that we Americans are more controlled than we would be led to believe. This is not a direct control, as in we are told what to do and how to do it, but control through the limiting of our options. Almost always which will not lead to any drastic change in the direction our country is headed. This, in my opinion is the most important point he makes in the entire book. And it comes on the first page in the preface.

The solution offered by Dr. Paul is as simple as it is complex. Change the system. This is the only viable solution to our nations troubles. The system that offers solutions to the problems it creates and proclaims were unavoidable, while usually burdening the American people with the costs for the programs that only exacerbate the problems it created in the first place.

If you get the chance, I highly recommend you pick up this book and give it a go. It is an eyeopener for anyone who is looking for something different in terms of solutions to our political, economic, and social woes.